በአስፈላጊ ወቅትና በትብብር ለወገን እያደረጋችሁት ስላለው ድጋፋችሁ እናመሰግናለን! (June 04, 2020)
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News/by Embassy Content Editorበአስፈላጊ ወቅትና በትብብር ለወገን እያደረጋችሁት ስላለው ድጋፋችሁ እናመሰግናለን!
Thank you for your generosity! Your donations help us save lives.
ችግሩ ሲበረታ ወገንም አለሁ እያለ ነው:: ተባብረን እንሻገራለን:: እናመሰግናለን! (June 3, 2020)
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News/by Embassy Content Editorችግሩ ሲበረታ ወገንም አለሁ እያለ ነው:: ተባብረን እንሻገራለን:: እናመሰግናለን!
Thank you for your continued support. Yes, you could at least save one life.
#Ethiopia at home & in the diaspora to #StopCOVID19 if you can #StayatHome it is #saferathome if you have to go out #WeareMask & apply #physicaldistancing
Ut enim ad minim veniam
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About Ethiopia
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is located in the north-eastern part of Africa commonly known as the Horn of Africa. It is strategically proximate to the Middle East and Europe…..
Our Latest News
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- The official transfer of “Tsehay” by the Italian government is a cause for great pride for Ethiopians!February 5, 2024 - 3:18 pm
- PM Abiy Ahmed has joined Italy-Africa SummitJanuary 30, 2024 - 3:30 pm
Contact US
- Embassy of Ethiopia
3506 International Drive, NW
Washington, D.C. 20008 - (202) 364-1200
- (202) 587-0195
- ethiopia@ethiopianembassy.org