H.E. Mayor Adanech Abiebie was honored with the distinguished Honorary Doctorate from Trinity International University of Ambassadors Corp. Florida and
Today, the third round of two-day trilateral negotiation on #GERD among #Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan kicked off in Cairo. The
16ኛው የአገራችን የሰንደቅ ዓላማ ቀን "የሰንደቅ አላማችን ከፍታ ለህብረ-ብሔራዊ አንድነታችንና ለሉዓላዊነታችን ዋስትና" በሚል መሪ ቃል የሚሲዮኑ መሪ ክቡር አምባሳደር ስለሺ
በ1947 ዓ.ም ተሰርቶ ለእይታ የበቃው እና በአገራችን የመጀመሪያው ባለ ጥቁርና ነጭ ፊልም የሆነው “ሂሩት አባቷ ማነው” የአዲስ አበባ ባህል፣ ኪነ-ጥበብና
The Ethiopian Embassy is proud to have participated in Georgetown's celebrated Art All Night event which is held annually in
Ethiopian New Year Gala: A Night of Culture and Investment OpportunitiesThe Embassy of Ethiopia, hosted a gala celebration of the
በዋሽንግተን የኢፌዲሪ ኤምባሲ የ2016 ዓም የዘመን መለወጫ ዋዜማ በዓልን በዋሺንግተን ዲሲና አካባቢው ከሚኖሩ የዳያስፖራ አባላት እና ጥሪ የተደረገላቸው እንግዶች በተገኙበት
In a lively and colorful event, guests were immersed in the rich cultural tapestry of Ethiopia at the Ethiopian New
Author Makonnen Ketema, son of Ketema Yifru; who’s father was a once prominent figure that served as a Foreign Minister;
Today, HE Ambassador Dr. Seleshi welcomed to the Embassy of Ethiopia, Washington, D.C., young Ethiopian professionals that participated at the