A loan agreement amounting €117.3 million has been signed between Ethiopia and the Danske Bank A/S for the 100MW Assela
የሚችሉትን እያደረጉ በመሆኑ ጥሩ ስሜት እንደሚሰማዎ እተማመናለሁ። እናመሰግናለን! “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and
Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew said that Ethiopia will never accept any agreement that restricts her water rights to River Abay
የህይወት ጣዕም የሚታወቀው ከራስና ከቤተሰብ አልፎ ለተቸገሩ መፍትሄ መሆን ሲቻል ነው:: መፍትሄ እየሆኑ ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን:: The purpose of life is
The annular solar eclipse has been partially and fully seen in several parts of Ethiopia starting from this morning. The
በብዙ ሺህ ማይል ርቄ ብገኝም ዘውትር ከሃሳቤ የማይጠፋውን ወገኔን አስባለሁ በሚል እያደረጉት ስላለው ድጋፍ እናመሰግናለን! Thank you for your generosity
ለመርዳት በቂ ምክኒያት አለዎት:: ህይወት ይታደጋል:: እናመሰግናለን! You don’t need a reason to help. It saves lives. Thank you! https://covid19.ethiopianembassy.org/
Ethiopia and the World Bank today signed a financing agreement amounting $ 250 million in support of supplemental financing to
በአስፈላጊ ወቅት ለወገንዎ ስለደረሱ እናመሰግናለን:: We are grateful to you for your help in this difficult time - https://covid19.ethiopianembassy.org
The tripartite negotiation between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt over GERD continued for the seventh day on Wednesday, 17 June 2020.
በዚህ ታሪካዊ ወቅት ወገንን ለመታደግ የድርሻዎን እየተወጡ ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን! The challenge caused by #Covid19 in #Ethiopia is growing. We rise by lifting others! Let’s
የህይወት የማያቋርጥ ጥያቄ ለሌሎች ምን አደረግህ? ለሌሎች ምን አደረግሽ? የሚለው ነው:: ምላሽ እየሰጡ ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን! Thank you for your donations