The Ethiopian Diaspora have contributed over 42 million USD for the construction of the dam, according to Ethiopian Diaspora Agency. 
እንደ ኮቪድ19/ የህዳሴ ግድብ ባሉ የትውልድ ፋይዳ ባላቸው ጉዳዮች ወገንዎን እየደገፉ ስለሆነ እናመሰግናለን! አርቆ በማሰብ: በማስተዋል: ተከባብሮ በመመካከር: ቤተሰብ ይጸናል:
The tripartite negotiation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan has adjourned to a week
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has won African National Olympic Committee Association (ANOCA) order of Merit. The Association of National Olympic
በኢትዮጵያ የኮቪድ19 ስርጭትን ለመግታት በአሜሪካን ከሚገኙ ወገኖቻችን ድጋፉ ተጠናክሮ ቀጥሏል:: Oregon & SW WA የሚገኙ ወገኖች $20,365.86 የአሜሪካን ዶላር በማሰባሰብ
Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed has donated 110 million birr generated from the sale of his book ‘Medemer’ to office
Ethiopia has officially launched a month-long nationwide COVID-19 testing campaign in a ceremony held on Friday, August 7. Deputy Prime
በኢትዮጵያ በኮቪድ19 የተያዘው 20,936 በመድረሱ ለአንድ ወር የሚቆይ ሀገር አቀፍ የምርመራ ዘመቻ ተጀምሯል። ይበልጥ ከመባባሱ በፊት ድጋፍ እያደረጋችሁ ለምትገኙ ሁሉ
Ethiopia has officially launched a month-long nationwide COVID-19 testing campaign in a ceremony held on Friday, August 7. Deputy Prime
በቀጣይነት እያደረጉ ላሉት ድጋፍ እናመሰግናለን! ድጋፍ ያገኙ ብቻ ሳይሆን ድጋፍ ያደረጉም እርካታን ያገኛሉ። Thank you for your continued support. The
The U.S. government has donated a shipment of 250 state-of-the-art ventilators and other critical care equipment to assist Ethiopia with
Ethiopia had sent its version of the guidelines and rules on the filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).