Second Round Humanitarian Assistance Addresses Over 2.7 Million People In Tigray (May 6, 2021)

The Ministry of Peace jointly with the National Disater Risk management Commission (NDRMC) has issued a statement on latest developments in Tigray Region.

The Ministry of Peace stated that it has begun working with NDRMC on the humanitarian issues since the completion of the law enforcement operation.

According to the statement, over the last few months we have focused on rebuilding infrastructure damaged by retreating TPLF forces such as electricity, telephone lines, schools, health and water facilities.

The national political and economic reform agenda encompasses all the regions. Thus, Tigray region along with other parts of the country will accelerate its reform and development activities and transition from aid dependency towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

The Ethiopian Government and people have been mobilizing resources and expertise to speed up Tigray region’s recovery process.

Government of Ethiopia provided 70% of the emergency aid to the Region in first and second rounds of emergency assistances. Since the completion of the law enforcement operation the Government of Ethiopia along its national and international partners have carried out wide ranging initiatives including distribution of food and non-food items, rehabilitation of infrastructures and resumption of services.

Federal Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) led by a Ministerial Committee in collaboration with the Tigray Region Command Post and the Region’s Emergency Coordination Center are coordinating the humanitarian response and the rehabilitation process.

The ECC is comprised of relevant Ministries, regional bureaus, UN-Agencies, bi-laterals and international organizations. Four layers of Emergency Coordination system – Regional, Zonal, Woreda and Food Distribution points are set up to capture additional needs and address needs.

Humanitarian assistance is delivered for more than 4.5 million beneficiaries in the first round with a cost of USD 3.7 Billion Birr. Moreover, the second round addressed more than 2.7 million beneficiaries across Tigray.

Humanitarian aid in the first round was delivered in a blanket approach to all the needy at the time due to financial services not being in place, market failure and pending salary payments.

Six UN agencies (with more than 192 staff), 25 International Organizations, 8 international media and 6 national NGOs have been provided access to the Region to support the emergency response. Access is unrestricted to all local and international organizations/individuals who are interested to contribute to the efforts.

Region’s police force has taken over from the Federal Police. About 4000 regional police officers participated in refresher training and are on duty. Community police and independent observers are organized in Mekelle city and its vicinity and are working besides the regional police to enhance peace and security.

Public health surveillance is conducted weekly. Covid-19 RDT kits distributed to 5 hospitals and 11 health centers. Covid-19 testing started at IDP sites. 14 hospitals are fully functional and 4 are functioning partially. 17 hospitals require heavy maintenance to run.

To improve health and nutrition services, mobile basic health services are underway through more than 60 teams deployed by the regional health bureau and partners.

Four clinics and nine health service teams have been established at IDP sites. Mental health and psychosocial support provision has continued at IDP sites and to gender based violence victims. 40 of the health centers in the regional are fully functioning and 12 are running partially. 104 are under maintenance.

Emergency Medicines which are estimated to be 72.9 Million Birr and 12 ambulances and Birr 129.8 Million have been supplied to the region by Ministry of Health to strengthen the basic health services and facilities.

Water pipelines maintenance continued. More than 120 water trucks deployed to different IDP site and host communities in 25 Woredas. Maintenance of 44 boreholes, 180 shallow-wells and 78 hand dug wells undertaken.

Schools condition assessment conducted in 6 zones and 27 woredas in the Region. Reports show that 6 schools fully and 331 schools partially are damaged. 80 teachers are hired and trained on pedagogical approach for accelerated learning program. 600 accelerated school readiness children are enrolled. About 500 children are attending school for half day. 72 teachers are trained on education in emergency to serve at IDPs and host communities.

Administrative staff are hired to support the education in emergency program. 812 students sat for the national school leaving certificate examination.

To restore seeds production, government and partners are mobilizing resources. 126, 614 quintal fertilizers from port are on Progress. A total of 29,816 hectare is identified in S zones for action.

To provide farm tools, a total of Birr 213,118,645 fund has been availed. 5,580 quintal of seeds procured, which costs more than 5.5 million birr in progress to boost the Tigray agricultural production and productivity. Partners allocated birr 71,909,824 for livestock restocking.

Financial services recovered; banking service is in place. Telephone lines and electricity repaired and restored. A handful of factories have commenced production and export activities.

As part of the National Dialogue going on throughout the country, more than 2000 civil servants have participated in a peace dialogue organized by the Ministry.

Program throughout the country, 1300 youth have participated in a one month training. The training included courses on life skill and leadership, digital media smart use, civic rights and social virtue, consensus building in diversity and peace building. The volunteers will be deployed to serve the community in the different parts of the region.

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